Showing posts with label seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seo. Show all posts

Beginilah Cara Kerja Algoritma Youtube

Jan 25, 2023

Algoritma YouTube berfungsi untuk menentukan video mana yang akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna di halaman hasil pencarian, halaman beranda, dan daftar putar. Ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kombinasi dari faktor-faktor seperti relevansi, populeritas, interaksi pengguna, dan kualitas konten.

Pertama, algoritma YouTube menentukan relevansi dari sebuah video dengan mengevaluasi judul, deskripsi, dan kata kunci yang digunakan dalam video tersebut. Video yang lebih relevan dengan pencarian yang dilakukan pengguna akan lebih cenderung muncul di halaman hasil pencarian.

Kedua, algoritma YouTube mengevaluasi populeritas dari sebuah video dengan mengukur jumlah ditonton, jumlah suka, jumlah komentar, dan jumlah bagikan. Video yang lebih populer akan lebih cenderung muncul di halaman hasil pencarian dan halaman beranda.

12 kebiasaan blogger sukses

May 1, 2017

Ada banyak orang yang memutuskan untuk memulai blog karena mereka pikir itu akan menempatkan mereka di jalur cepat menuju kesuksesan. Mereka berpikir memulai sebuah blog adalah kunci untuk menjadi seorang pengusaha dan akhirnya berhenti dari rutinitas pekerjaan yang mereka benci. Sementara blogging pasti bisa mengantarmu ke sana, jumlah orang yang gagal mengubah blog menjadi bisnis purna waktu jauh lebih besar dari jumlah mereka yang melakukannya. Jika Anda ingin mengalahkan peluang dan menjadi salah satu blogger sukses tersebut, Anda harus memasukkannya ke dalam pekerjaan.

Search Engine Optimization Techniques for Basic Website Health

Mar 11, 2012

What is first thing in the Web site and on every page of the Web site that Google search? It is the title of the page, of course. In fact, with regard to Google, the page title (the text in the title bar blue in the upper part of the page that the wing has the buttons to minimize and maximize) is the most important text of all.

When Google finally descends to the text on the page, has to do a lot of text of spiders to learn something about a Web site of. Any words you've identified with the keywords tool, should guide them without any keyword stuffing. You need appropriate text that means something. Use of text features prominently among the most important search engine optimization techniques. An important thing to bear in mind is that the prominence of keywords. This means that most important keywords that should address your Web site that perhaps comes in the first lines of pair of HTML for your Web page.

The words on your page to link to other parts of the Web site, those words are important in terms of Google. Those who have to be keywords. Otherwise, Google will not think that page leads to our anything important to you. And while we're on the subject of the links, make sure that there are text links from your home page for each important page on your Web site.

Protect your search engine ranking

Mar 5, 2012

Ranking of your website in search engines is a vital element of the global marketing campaign, and there are ways to improve your popularity through legitimate methods. Unfortunately, the Internet is populated by bands of dishonest webmasters seeking to improve their popularity by pretend search engines.

The good news is that search engines have discovered this and are now on guard for "spam" pages and sites that have increased their classification by artificial methods. When a search engines tracks such site, that site is degraded in ranking or completely removed from the search engine index.

kaligrafi-01 The bad news is that some high quality sites, completely above board are wrong for these criminals of the web page. The page may be in danger of being caught up in the "spam" net and Matt from the search engine index, despite hasn't done anything to deserve such harsh treatment. But there are things you can do - and things must be not be to do - that will prevent this kind of misperception.

Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites that is linked to Google pioneered this criteria for the allocation of classification of Web sites, and almost all Internet search engines now use. There are legitimate ways to go increasing its popularity, but at the same time, you must be scrupulously careful about the sites that you want to link. Google frequently imposes penalties on sites that have linked to other sites only in order to artificially increase their popularity. They really have labeled these links "bad neighborhoods".

You can raise a toast because he is not penalized when a bad neighborhood links to your site; penalty happens only when the send a link to a bad neighborhood. But you should review and verify, all links that are active in the links page to make sure that you have not linked to a bad neighborhood.

First thing to remove is or not the pages linked to have been sanctioned. The most direct way to do this is to download the Google toolbar at Below, you will see that most of the pages receive a "Pagerank" which is represented by a sliding green scale on the Google toolbar.

Not link to any site that shows no green at all on the scale. This is especially important when the scale is completely gray. Is more than likely that these pages have been penalized. If they are linked to these pages, you can catch her grief, and as flu, it can be difficult to recover from the infection.

It is not necessary to be afraid of linking to sites whose scale shows only a small sliver of green in their scale. These sites have not been punished, and its links can grow in value and popularity. However, make sure that closely follow this type of links to determine that at some point they claim a penalty once they have linked to them from your links page.

Another trick that illicit webmasters use to artificially increase his popularity badly is the use of hidden text. Search engines usually use the words on the webpages as a factor in the formation of their ratings, which means that if the text on the page contain the keywords, you have more than one chance to increase your search engine ranking of a page that does not contain text inclusive of keywords.

Some webmasters have gotten around this formula by hiding his words in such a way to make them invisible for visitors to your site. For example, they have used the keywords but it made them the same color as the background color of the page, such as a plethora of keywords white on a white background. You cannot see these words with the human eye - but the eye of search engine spider can detect them easily! A spider is the program search engines using forindex of web pages and when it sees these invisible words, dates and increases that page's link ranking.

versi-edan Webmasters may be brilliant and sometimes tortuous, but search engines have learned these tricks. As soon as a search engine perceive the use of hidden text - splat! the page is penalized. The disadvantage of this is that sometimes the spider is a bit enthusiastic and they penalize a page by mistake. For example, if the background color of the page is gray, and they have placed gray text inside a black box, the only spider take note of the text grey and assume that they used the hidden text. To avoid any risk of false penalty, simply direct your webmaster not to assign the same color to text as the page background color - never!

Another potential problem which may lead to a penalty is called "keyword stuffing". It is important to have the keywords appear in the text of the page, but can sometimes go a little overboard in your enthusiasm to please the spiders. A search engine uses what is called "The key phrase density" to determine if a site is trying to artificially increase their classification. It's the ratio of keywords to the rest of the words on the page. Search engines assign a limit to the number of times you can use a keyword before the decide you has exaggerated and penalizes your site.

This ratio is quite high, so it is difficult to overcome without sounding as if I tartamudeo - unless the keyword is part of your company name. If this is the case, it is easy for the density of keywords they soar. Therefore, if the keyword is "renters insurance", ensure that not every sentence use this phrasein. Carefully edit the text on your site so that the copy flows naturally and the keyword is not repeated incessantly. A good rule of thumb is that the keyword should never appear in more than half of the prayers of the page.

The final potential risk factor is known as "concealment". For those of you who are diligent pics, this concept should be easy to understand. For the rest of you? occultation is when the server directs a visitor to one page and a spider to a different page search engine. The page the spider sees is "hidden" because it is invisible to regular traffic, and deliberately configuration to increase the search engine ranking engine. A hidden page tries to everything you need for rocket classification on that page at the top of the list to feed the spider.

It is natural that search engines have responded to this Act of deception with extreme enmity, imposing sanctions handed down in these sites. The problem on your end is that sometimes pages are hidden for legitimate reasons, such as prevention against the theft of code, often referred to as "pagejacking." This kind of shielding is unnecessary these days due to the use of "off page" elements, such as the popularity of bond, which can not be stolen.

To be on the safe side, make sure that your webmaster is aware that absolutely no concealment is acceptable. Make sure that the webmaster understands that the concealment of any kind will put your website at great risk.

As you must be diligent in increasing their popularity and their classification, must be equally diligent to avoid being unfairly penalized. So make sure you monitor your site and avoid any appearance of artificially increasing your ranking.

Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking

May 20, 2011

At atomic 85% of humans searching for appurtenances and casework on the Internet acquisition websites through seek engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The abstraction of optimizing your pages for top seek engine rankings is to allure targeted customers to your website who will be added than acceptable to accomplish a purchase. The college your page comes up in seek engine results, the greater the cartage that is directed to your website. That's what seek engine enhancement is about.

You can asperse yourself in all the abstruse advice accessible online to amount out how to optimize your web pages to accomplish college rankings. Or you can attending at a few simple items on your pages, accomplish some baby djustments, and a lot of acceptable see bigger rankings absolutely rapidly. The aboriginal account you should appraise is the ppellation bar on your homepage. ist2_6121497-way-to-success

The appellation bar is the black bar at the top of the page. Attending at the words that arise there if you admission your home page. To access seek engine rankings, the words on your homepage's appellation bar should cover the a lot of important keywords or phrases, one of which would cover your aggregation name. The next account to put beneath your microscope is your website content. Seek engines about account sites that contain quality agreeable rather than animated graphics. The argument on your website accept to accommodate the a lot of important keywords - the words that abeyant barter will be accounting into seek engines to acquisition your site.

Next we appear to what is alleged meta tags. I apperceive this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is absolutely just simple code. Abounding humans accept that meta tags are the key to top seek engine rankings, but in reality, they alone accept a bound effect. Still, it's account abacus them in the accident that a seek engine will use meta tags in their baronial formula.

Lastly, we appear to the affair of hotlink popularity. This is a agency that is acutely important in agreement of seek engine rankings. Almost all seek engines use hotlink acceptance to rank your website. Hotlink acceptance is based on the superior of the sites you accept affiliated to from your links page.

ayam-telur If you blazon in "free hotlink acceptance check" in a accepted seek engine, the seek engine will again appearance you what sites are affiliated to your site. In the case that there aren't abounding sites affiliated up to yours, or that the sites that are affiliated up accept low seek engine rankings, accede ablution a hotlink acceptance campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting superior sites and requesting that they barter links with your site. Of course, this requires blockage out the rankings of the websites you wish to hotlink up with. Linking to popular, superior sites not alone boosts your seek engine ranking, but it aswell directs added superior cartage to your website.

Search engine rankings are acutely important for a acknowledged Internet business campaign. Before you go out and appoint a seek engine enhancement company, try demography some of the simple accomplish listed above, and see if you can't addition your rankings yourself. Don't anytime avoid this all-important agency in Internet marketing. Remember, the college your seek engine ranking, the added superior barter will be directed your way. Tags: ,,,

Seo Lu Kejar Gue Yang Kejang - kejang

Oct 22, 2010

Siapa sih yang tidak ngiler jika situs/blog nya nongkrong di SERP ( google or yahoo ) paling jumawa. Tentunya selain kebanjiran pengujung otomatis produk- produk atau ide kita ( jika blog kita menawarkan ide – baik ide lurus atau ide provokatif ), setidaknya akan menjadi barang yang laku atau jadi rujukan.

Namun akhir-akhir ini sayang nya sering saya mendapati sebuah situs yang nangkring di posisi klasemen isi nya ngga ada isi  cuman iklan nyampah donk. Coba bayangin  dari sisi pengguna yang ingin mencari informasi yang sesuai dengan yang di carinya.Pada hal kalau kita balik lagi pada tujuan adanya serach engine awalnya ingin memudahkan pengguna internet ketika ingin mendapatkan informasi yang relevan. Betullll ??

Ya begitulah faktanya, seo menjadi barang sakti untuk di pelajari baik secara halal atau haram, baik mengunakan tuyul atau pun memangfaatkan suster ngepet. Bahkan untuk membuat SEO SarchTerm Tagging – nyampah dengan tag, sangat mudah untuk dipelajari.. huhh.