Program Cuci Otak Untuk Pejabat Publik

May 21, 2011

Kali ini di berbagai media massa ramai memperbincangkan tentang Cuci Otak terutama setelah adanya dugaan di pergunakan organisasi tampa bentuk, NII kw-9 dalam merekrut anggota barunya.

Pengertian cuci otak ini tidak seperti halnya kita mencuci baju atau priring, tapi lebih seperti kita “ mencuci” kaset atau CD untuk tujuan menganti isisnya dengan yang kita inginkan. Itulah sebabnya, pascacuci otak, para korban tidak menjadi “robot bernyawa”. Mereka tampil sebagai “orang baru” dengan pribadi baru, dan sikap mental baru karena berada dalam kendali “isi otak baru “ hasil pencucian.cimahi cyber 09

Dan aneh tapi nyata ternyata cara ini sangat efektif untuk mengubah perilaku. yang tadinya hormat pada orang tua menjadi pembangkang, asalnya jujur menjadi suka berbohong, semula alim menjadi beringas.

Bila demikian, yang menjadi persoalan bukan proses cuci otaknya, melainkan materi atau paham apa yang diisikan lewat proses pencucian itu. Lantas, bagaimana bila cara itu dipergunakan untuk menanamkan paham-paham baik, dan untuk tujuan baik ? bisakah ?

Mencuci otak terhadap pegawai negeri, polisi, pegawai pajak, hakim, jaksa, wakil rakyat dan pejabat publik lain untuk tujuan baik. Pada tes penerimaan, naik pangkat, naik jabatan, melewati dulu proses “ cuci otak”. Pada proses itu, mungkin bisa di suntikan paham NKRI, antikorupsi, anti suap, mengesampingkan kepentingan pribadi dan golongan demi kepentingan rakyat dan negara. Hasailnya boleh jadi adalah PNS, aparat, wakil rakyat, dan pejabat negara dengan perilaku jujur, adil , anti-KKN dan perilaku yang bisa jadi anutan dan panutan rakyat banyak.

( dirangkum dan diadaptasi dari kolom pikiran rakyat )

Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking

May 20, 2011

At atomic 85% of humans searching for appurtenances and casework on the Internet acquisition websites through seek engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The abstraction of optimizing your pages for top seek engine rankings is to allure targeted customers to your website who will be added than acceptable to accomplish a purchase. The college your page comes up in seek engine results, the greater the cartage that is directed to your website. That's what seek engine enhancement is about.

You can asperse yourself in all the abstruse advice accessible online to amount out how to optimize your web pages to accomplish college rankings. Or you can attending at a few simple items on your pages, accomplish some baby djustments, and a lot of acceptable see bigger rankings absolutely rapidly. The aboriginal account you should appraise is the ppellation bar on your homepage. ist2_6121497-way-to-success

The appellation bar is the black bar at the top of the page. Attending at the words that arise there if you admission your home page. To access seek engine rankings, the words on your homepage's appellation bar should cover the a lot of important keywords or phrases, one of which would cover your aggregation name. The next account to put beneath your microscope is your website content. Seek engines about account sites that contain quality agreeable rather than animated graphics. The argument on your website accept to accommodate the a lot of important keywords - the words that abeyant barter will be accounting into seek engines to acquisition your site.

Next we appear to what is alleged meta tags. I apperceive this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is absolutely just simple code. Abounding humans accept that meta tags are the key to top seek engine rankings, but in reality, they alone accept a bound effect. Still, it's account abacus them in the accident that a seek engine will use meta tags in their baronial formula.

Lastly, we appear to the affair of hotlink popularity. This is a agency that is acutely important in agreement of seek engine rankings. Almost all seek engines use hotlink acceptance to rank your website. Hotlink acceptance is based on the superior of the sites you accept affiliated to from your links page.

ayam-telur If you blazon in "free hotlink acceptance check" in a accepted seek engine, the seek engine will again appearance you what sites are affiliated to your site. In the case that there aren't abounding sites affiliated up to yours, or that the sites that are affiliated up accept low seek engine rankings, accede ablution a hotlink acceptance campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting superior sites and requesting that they barter links with your site. Of course, this requires blockage out the rankings of the websites you wish to hotlink up with. Linking to popular, superior sites not alone boosts your seek engine ranking, but it aswell directs added superior cartage to your website.

Search engine rankings are acutely important for a acknowledged Internet business campaign. Before you go out and appoint a seek engine enhancement company, try demography some of the simple accomplish listed above, and see if you can't addition your rankings yourself. Don't anytime avoid this all-important agency in Internet marketing. Remember, the college your seek engine ranking, the added superior barter will be directed your way. Tags: ,,,

Beloon Plugin Wordpress : Google Site Verification Plugin

May 19, 2011

Verifikasi blog wordpress dengan Google hanya dengan beberapa klik! Tidak perlu menyalin dan menyisipkan token lagi, plugin ini membuat panggilan ke Situs Google Verifikasi API untuk mengotomatisasi seluruh proses verifikasi.

wp_transfer-300x210 Setelah blog Anda diverifikasi, Anda akan dapat melihat statistik pencarian dan informasi diagnostik untuk blog Anda di Google Webmaster Tools atau menggunakan semakin banyak layanan Google lainnya.

Syarat dan ketentuan :

This plugin needs WordPress 3.0 (or higher), PHP 5.2.0 (or higher), the JSON PHP extensions, and the CURL PHP extensions. If you are using caching plugins like WP-Cache or WP Super Cache, you may need to temporarily clear or disable your cache for this plugin to work.

( Plugin ini memerlukan WordPress 3.0 (atau lebih tinggi), PHP 5.2.0 (atau lebih tinggi), yang JSON ekstensi PHP, dan PHP CURL ekstensi. Jika Anda menggunakan cache plugin seperti WP-Cache atau WP Super Cache, Anda mungkin perlu cache sementara jelas atau menonaktifkan plugin ini untuk bekerja ).

Download : Verification Google Plugin Wordpress