Menyimpan Animasi Gif Di Photoshop

Nov 30, 2010

Postingan ini ada hubungan dan merupakan lanjutan tentang tulisan “ Animasi Eye Hulk “. Karena masih ada beberapa pertanyaan tentang cara menyimpan file gif beranimasi.

Setelah membuat animasi, untuk menyimpanya

  • buka menu File » Save For Web & Devices.
  • kemudian setelah jendela window baru terbuka pilih format Gif

    animasi gif 
  • Dan pada jendela Save For Web ini, kamu bisa melihat / men-preview . dengan menekan tombol kontrol play, stop dst di bawahnya.

    animasi gif2 
  • Juga bisa mengontrol jalan-nya animasi, apakah once ( pengulangan satu kali ), Forever ( berulang-ulang ), Atau Other ( jalanya-nya animasi di atur sendiri )

    animasi gif3

Beloon Inspired : Classic Luxury Template

Nov 24, 2010

Mungkin kalau ada kesempatan waktu saya ingin sekali menconvert free xHtml Template ini ke dalam kelamin blogspot. – itu pun jika belum tersedia atau belum ada.

Kesederhanan, warna latar putih bersih , typografi yang manis dan photo galeri yang di bingkai dengan latar efek shadow membuat template ini mempunyai daya tarik tersendiri ( sederhana namun begitu menggoda =)) ). Selain efek Fancy box dan dropdown menu tentunya.




» Classic Luxury Demo 1 (Home)

» Classic Luxury Demo 2 (Gallery)

» Classic Luxury Demo 3 (Page)

No problem

Dan menurut saya halaman-halaman di atas sudah tidak menjadi masalah lagi bagi blogspot addict untuk di aplikasikan sekarang ini.

Unduh Free xHtml Classic Luxury Template

classic-luxury (ZIP, 0.2 MB)

Beloon Inspired : Musicians Template

Nov 22, 2010



Seharusnya memang seperti ini tampilan situs band gahar mah. Dark color mewakili unsur gothic = kegelapan, pas dengan intro musik saat membuka situsnya. flash, slide photo dan bagian-bagian personal band sepeti tour, biography juga kolom twitter sebagai media interaktif dengan pengemar.



Jika tertarik hanya untuk koleksi dan pengembangan skill, anda bisa mendapatkan link unduh untuk source file-nya dengan meninggalkan alamat email pada form comment. ( file 57.4 MB – web flash xml ).

900 pixel icon to website designer

Nov 20, 2010


Jika anda seorang website desainer atau tukang bongkar pasang blogsite, pasti akan menyukai icon set ini. kurang lebih dari 900 icon piksel akan Anda temukan. Tinggal pilih mana yang cocok dan pas untuk webblog kreasi anda. Atau simpan juga untuk bahan koleksi.


Beloon Online Versi 4 Pro Premium Blogspot Template – The Big Magazine

Nov 19, 2010


Beloon Versi 4 Pro – the big magazine,  Perwajahan blog yang ter-ilhami dari joomla theme Premium, kelebihan dari template ini karena mempunyai dua main post yang unik, yakni perbedaan ukuran antara post utama dan post selanjutnya. ( post arsip ).



» Post Utama merupakan Featured Posts non – Slider

» Post Kedua dst, - post kecil yang tertara rapih di samping kanan post utama.

» Performance Loding Page. Yslow : Grade B 80. PageSpeed Score : 86/100 

» Auto Read More

» Tree coloum dan One coloum bottom di bawah main post

» Sidebar Top

» Sidebar Center –

  • left sidebar
  • right sidebar

» Sidebar Bottom

» Recent posts thumbnails Simple Spy ( optional )

» Easy Dropdown menu Jquery.

» Built-in Related posts feature

» Built-in Tab Tree pada top sidebar.


* Cukup donasi untuk secangkir kopi, rokok dan sedikit bayar speedy :D .

Adakah Featured Content yang Pas dan Ideal Untuk Blogspot

Nov 17, 2010

featuredcontent Ada yang nulis featured content ada yang bilang dengan istilah featured post dst. Namun istilah-istilah tersebut intinya tetaplah sama kata kang William Shakespeare “ apalah arti sebuah nama “. – dan saya tambahin apalah arti keduanya – featured content atau featured post, jika di gunakan di blogspot.

Sampai saat ini saya googling,  belum menemukan script yang pas atau ideal. Pas dan ideal dalam artian tidak di perbaharui secara manual tetapi terupdate secara otomatis seperti blog kampung sebelah.

Walaupun menemukan dua free template blogspot plus featured content terupdate otomatis, yang menurut saya sangat inspiratif dengan menggunakan bantuan script recenpost-thumb, tapi belum memuaskan dan belum cukup untuk di katakan sempurna. karena selain masih kurang efektif,  terlalu banyak script recentpost-thumb yang di gunakannya tentu berakibat pada loding page. 

Before You Register a Domain Name for Your New Online Business

Nov 15, 2010


I studied so many books about Internet marketing over the last couple of years that I decided to start a new web site, and share my knowladge and experience with other fellow Internet marketers.

Since I read lots of information about search engine optimization (SEO), I intended to optimize all of my web pages for search engines from the beginning on, expecting Google to be my number one source of traffic in the near future.

I did an extensive keyword research using WordTraker, made a blueprint for my product and article pages, and the time has come to choose a great domain name for my new project.

I went to GoDaddy, the famous domain name registar, tried this and that, and finally came up with a beautiful domain name related to Internet marketing -

You probably know that Internet marketing is a very competitive niche, so I was glad that this domain name was still available. I registered it immediately.

My site was up and running in 48 hours. Now I needed some fresh web content, and to get indexed by major search engines as soon as possible.

So, I spent a week or two writing search engine optimized content for my new online business.

I usually don't submit my new web sites to search engines for indexing. I prefer when my sites are found on other web sites and get spidered automatically.

One of the easiest ways to have a link to a web site from other sites is by writing and distributing high quality articles. So, I wrote an article about two-tier affiliate programs and submited it to major article directories.

Within a couple of days I searched for my article title in Google and noticed that it did great. Publishers liked my article and they were publishing it on their web sites and newsletters.

I expected my home page to get indexed very fast.

Time went.

Each week I searched Google to see if my site has already got indexed. It didn't.

I decided to see if my domain has been spidered by other major search engines. Yes, both Yahoo and MSN got it. So, what went wrong? Why Google won't index my home page?

Here's what I think went wrong: my further investigation showed that the domain name had already been used by another webmaster and had been expired half a year ago when I registered it. It seems that the previous domain name owner was using unfair search engine optimization strategies and his web site was banned by Google.

I sent a request to Google explaining the situation and asking to lift the ban from my web site. I am not sure if they will listen and help me.

I am ready to register a new domain name in a few weeks time if I still cannot get my site indexed by Google.

So, don't make the same mistake I did... If you intend to optimize your new web site in order to receive traffic from Google and other search engines, make sure to check out if a domain name you've selected for your online business is not banned by Google before registering it.


About the author:
Gerardas Norkus has been marketing online since 1997. Take advantage of his battle tested Internet marketing strategies that could quietly make you huge profits every single month. Take 7-part e-mail course at:

Hand-Drawing Style … hmmm Mayan juga

Nov 7, 2010


Dari dulu kalau lihat desain web bergaya  corat-coret ini atau istilah londo-nya “hand drawing web desain” selalu menarik untuk dilihat. gambar navigasi yang melengkung, ikon buatan tangan, latar belakang, font untuk judul, kotak pencarian, stiker dan garis fuzzy di garap apik.


hand_drawing hand_drawing_4 hand_drawing_2 hand_drawing_3 hand_drawing_5

4 Tricks For Lightning Fast Indexing

Nov 6, 2010

The biggest problem that most are running into seems to do with getting INTO the search engines. Rankings aside, you need to first get them to index you. Here are the four main ways to assure yourself fast indexing:

Indexing Tip #1:
Never launch a new site with a lot of back links. Build natural links over weeks and months.

Let’s face it, there is no guaranteed method of getting indexed by Google fast, and buying links from high-ranking sites does not guarantees anything either.

The most immediate red flag you should watch out for is your number of incoming links. According to Google, it takes time to get link popularity and sites should not have more than 100 incoming links.

It’s okay to launch with a quality link or two. But beyond that, you are pushing it!

Here is the scoop! It takes 30-45 days for Google to deep index new sites. Instead of sitting around during “sandbox” time, use that period to build a strong set of natural back-links with a variety of sites.

Indexing Tip #2:
Register your domain name at least four months before you plan to launch the site.

No I am not kidding! Whether you agree with it or not, history shows that Google takes older URLs far more seriously than newer ones. So register your domain name as soon as you plan on developing a site.

Indexing Tip #3:
Blog and ping carefully.

Blogging & pinging is one of the fastest ways to get into the Yahoo index - it can literally get you into Yahoo overnight – helps with MSN as well.

Will blogging and pinging help get you into Google? Maybe. But over-pinging can set off red flags on the ping servers, and if you’re using automated blogging software, overdoing it can cause and other services to shut down your blog.

Blogging and pinging intelligently can get your blog indexed in Yahoo quickly, but ping carefully.

Does Yahoo de-index junk blogs? Absolutely. Especially since the creation of all this software, the search engines are watching closely for red flags (use software wisely).

So what can you do about Yahoo Search? Not much… You can be smart about blogging and pinging or even better, you can create real (not by software) blogs. You still have to be careful with pinging though.

In the end, blogging and pinging should be part of every beginner’s indexing strategy.

Indexing Tip #4:
If you build bulk directory/portal sites - keep them in the 200-300 page range.

We know it’s such a blast to build those monster 1000-5000 page sites, even with growing evidence of Google bots’ tendencies to stall after indexing the first 200 pages or so…

So if you’re into blasting out those gigantic directories and sick of waiting months for them to get indexed, experiment with building smaller sites around more targeted niches.

In a nutshell: Divide those mega-keyword lists, spend a little time grouping your sub-lists, and build smaller sites.

All in all, the best way to get indexed, stay indexed and eventually get ranked is to recruit incoming link partners. See, blogging and pinging could be gone tomorrow. But, linking is an integral part of how the internet works – it will never go away.

Concentrate on building sites and recruiting links – the links get you indexed, ranked and even bring you free traffic from those who click the links!

Free T-shirt Desain Templates

Nov 3, 2010


Dalam urusan bisnis kaos desain ala dagadu, joger atau c59 munkin tidak asing lagi bagi telinga kita. Selain itu dalam kelompok kaos underground gaya kaos distro mulai banyak diminati juga sekarang ini.

Nah bagi anda yang ingin belajar dan memulai membuat desain kaos dapat memangfaatkan dan mengunduh free t-shirt template ini, sebagai kerangka untuk mempermudah dalam proposisi desain dan pemilihan warna. Selain itu sangat bermangfaat untuk melihat hasil sebelum di produksi.

modish t-shirt design templates 

Sedangkn untuk mendesain menggunakan corel draw bisa anda unduh ebook nya di link berikut

58 kreasi desain destro.